Volunteer with Miracle Farm

Miracle Farm counts on friends, volunteers, donors, and other supporters to help provide troubled teenage boys with the support and structure they need. Volunteers are occasionally needed to help with work projects on the Miracle Farm campus. Needs vary in scope and frequency, but may include painting fences, building repair, landscaping, and general maintenance projects.

By volunteering, you are donating your time to help meet a tangible, felt need that directly impacts the lives of the boys we serve.

If you're interested in volunteering, please contact info@miraclefarm.org or call 979-836-0901.

Some volunteer assignments may require background checks, particularly those that will place volunteers in close proximity to children in care. 

Current Needs

Volunteering FAQs

No. Under state law (DFPS Minimum Standards for General Residential Operations 748.731) “a person that is not being compensated may not provide services to an operation, if that person is on probation or parole, or is referred for community services through the courts because of criminal activity, including as an alternative to incarceration. This probation applies even if the services do not involve contact with children in care."

Some volunteer activities will be identified as “family friendly” and children are welcome. Other activities may not be appropriate for children under the age of 16. When in doubt, check with the ministry’s volunteer coordinator. We do not provide child care for volunteers.

Opportunities to interact with the boys are very limited, for a variety of reasons. Under state law, a full background check is required before a volunteer can have contact with the boys. Even if a background check is completed, we place the interests of the boys above all else. Not every child will welcome a volunteer’s efforts, no matter how well-meant. In addition, there often are privacy and confidentiality issues, which will vary from child to child. 

There is no age limit, although we ask that teenagers be accompanied by an adult at all times. Opportunities for those age 12 and under are limited to activities identified as “family friendly.”

No. We welcome volunteers who can coordinate drives aimed at fulfilling one of the items on the ministry Needs List. These can be conducted anywhere at any time by any individuals, church group, business, or organization. Just keep the volunteer coordinator aware of your plans.