Our Mission

Miracle Farm provides an environment for Christ to forge young men of integrity who are firmly connected to the sense of security, acceptance, and significance that comes from an identity in Christ.

Our Vision

Following God’s leadership we partner with families to bring connection, healing, and restoration.

Our Statement of Faith with Core Values

We Are Authentically Christian

We Build Trust

We Connect Compassionately

  • We believe in living lives of integrity. This value relates to all areas of conduct and character including how we relate to all people we serve and those with whom we work. We best display integrity when we support the cultural heritage of others by respecting the diversity of those we serve and those with whom we work. (Psalm 15:1-525:21Proverbs 11:312:22Micah 6:8Philippians 4:8James 1:124:17)

We Demonstrate Christ’s Love

We Empower Children, Youth, and Families

Note: All the Scripture references are representative of the topic. They are by no means exhaustive. There are many other Bible passages that would apply to these Core Values.